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Press Releases

Massage Therapist Sees It All…
KY, February 20, 2011—The mysterious and often unorthodox world of a
professional massage therapist is the backdrop for this sultry, humorous,
and sizzling story of new love. The sexy, funny, and sometimes awkward
encounters of professional massage therapist and German import Angie
parallel her romance with Marcus, a writer of mystery novels. While working
through the twists and turns of this new passion, the pair is tested by dark
characters in both of their lives.
Secrets of a Massage Therapist is the stunning debut novel of a very
promising author and literary talent. It will hook you, make you laugh and smile. Most of all, it will keep you
entertained to the very last page.
Meet the author…
Andy is a professional massage therapist, and as such she promotes
personal transformation and a healthy lifestyle in her private life as well
as in public appearances. Originally from Germany, this free and independent
spirit has a passion for writing, and is gifted with a deliciously wild and
crazy imagination. One day her warped sense of humor met a keyboard. The
rest is history.
When asked if the novel is based on true events and a reflection of her
life, the slightest hint of a coy smile appears on Andy’s face. “It is
fiction and a child of my imagination. But naturally, as with a lot of good
novels, the book is based on my personal experiences. And—I’m sure, if those
stories didn’t happen to me, they happened to somebody somewhere…”
And what about those steamy love scenes between Angie and Marcus? Andy
smiles, leans back, and winks coquettishly. “As I said, I have a wild and
crazy imagination…”
Visit Andy at
Secrets of a Massage Therapist by Andy Vogt is now
available on and anywhere books are sold.
40 Is The New
20, 60 Is The New 40 ….. Fit, Sexy And Happy At Any Age!
Louisville, KY May 8, 2008--To be fit, sexy and happy at any age is
a mindset and a matter of attitude and can be achieved by making a few
simple changes to your lifestyle.
Has this ever happened to you? Somebody enters the room and you think to
yourself: “Wow!” What a presence that person has! And you notice how other
people stop what they are doing to look at the person as well. If you would
ask them, most people probably couldn’t tell you why exactly he or she draws
all this attention. Often he or she wouldn’t even fit the stereotypical
“beauty standard,” and yet there is something about them that makes them
sexy and attractive to other people. It almost feels like there is an aura
around them. What exactly is going on here?
Well, let me let you in on a little secret: It’s a mindset and a matter of
attitude. People who feel comfortable with themselves are generally happy
and radiate positive energy wherever they go. That in turn is being picked
up by others and makes that person attractive, even sexy to them. From a
confident walk, to sparkling eyes, to a radiant smile, you can tell that
they feel good about themselves and it shows.
George Clooney and Queen Latifah are perfect examples for what I just
described. When they show up, people take notice. You just know they are
self-confident and like themselves, have a positive attitude, laugh often
and enjoy life, and that makes them very attractive and sexy.
Probably the only time I ever laughed out loud when reading somebody’s
obituary was several months ago when I ran across this one reading something
like this: “Our mother passed away at the age of 29. She was 29 her entire
life and wanted to be buried upside down, so that every man could kiss her
Don’t you just know that this woman truly enjoyed her life and kept a good
attitude, no matter what happened to her? I remember thinking at the time
that I would have liked to have known her when she was alive. Surely the
motto “40 is the new 20, 60 is the new 40 …..” could have been hers as
Andrea Vogt-Palmer offers simple tips and suggestions on her website on how to develop a healthy lifestyle by getting in
shape with a fit body, de-stressing and simplifying your life, and creating
a positive mindset, so that you also will find the FIT, SEXY and HAPPY
person that is already inside of you waiting to be awakened!
For further information, please visit or contact
Andrea at
Seniors are Getting
Fit with Andrea
Louisville, KY January 1, 2008--Regular physical exercise
(including cardio and strength training with weights) is not only important
in our younger years, but especially when we age.
It is estimated that unless we exercise our muscles regularly, we can lose
five to seven pounds of muscle tissue each decade of our adult lives. Add
this to the amount of fat we gain because of a slow-down in our metabolism
as we get older and you can see it becoming a real health problem.
According to Andrea Palmer of, there are many benefits
associated with building and maintaining muscle mass through strength
training: from a better posture, a decrease in lower back pain, a faster
metabolism, to the prevention of falls because of stronger ankle joints and
leg muscles, to better being able to deal with everyday tasks like carrying
General health benefits of regular physical exercise include: reducing the
risk of coronary heart disease and diabetes, lowering of high blood pressure
and reducing related health risks, relieving arthritis pain by promoting
greater flexibility, increasing bone density, potentially preventing
osteoporosis. In addition, exercising regularly will boost your self
confidence, improve your appearance and lessen the threat of depression.
Andrea points out that because of these benefits, The American College of
Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association have released new
guidelines encouraging Americans of any age to strength-train at least twice
a week on top of a regular cardio workout (brisk walk, swimming, treadmill,
stationary bike) of at least 30 minutes on most days of the week in order to
build and maintain a healthy body.
It is recommended that adults of any age perform one to three sets of eight
to twelve repetitions each of eight to ten exercises using appropriate
weight for their individual fitness level in order to exercise all major
muscle groups (arms, shoulders, chest, back, upper legs and lower legs).
In order to maintain a healthy weight and be physically fit at any age, it
is important that the physical exercise routine is used in conjunction with
an overall healthy diet.
The “Exercise Routine for Seniors” section of features
an easy-to-follow exercise routine and is part of a comprehensive approach
to changing to a healthy lifestyle. is committed to showing how you can transform to a healthy
lifestyle by creating healthy eating habits, increasing physical activity,
de-stressing your life and generally having a more positive mindset.
For further information, please visit or e-mail
Andrea at
The Magic of
Massage--More People are Considering Massage Therapy for Stress and Pain
Louisville, KY December 10, 2007--Getting a massage used to be reserved
mainly for affluent people. Over the past few years however, it has become
more and more mainstream as people are learning about the benefits of
massage and are looking for alternatives in dealing with stress and pain.
As a lot of medical professionals are starting to use a comprehensive
approach, including alternative therapies like massage therapy, in dealing
with medical problems, Andrea Vogt-Palmer of points out
that receiving a good therapeutic massage can do wonders for the body and
soul. Some people get regular massages to deal with everyday stress,
manifesting itself often in tight neck and shoulder muscles. Experts
estimate that upwards of ninety percent of disease is stress-related. There
is also something to be said about the power of the human touch, and
statistics have shown that when, for example, babies born prematurely were
given gentle massages, they gained weight faster and were able to leave the
hospital earlier. After a massage, people feel generally positive, relaxed,
even happy.
Massage is a perfect elixir for good health, but it can also provide an
integration of body and mind. By producing a meditative state or heightened
awareness of living in the present moment, massage can provide emotional and
spiritual balance, bringing with it true relaxation and peace.
Vogt-Palmer points to the physical benefits of massage which can range from
improved circulation, release of endorphins (the body’s natural painkiller),
decreased depression and anxiety, help with insomnia, lowering blood
pressure, pain relief (like migraine and back pain), to helping heal injured
muscles faster.
Studies have shown that when employees receive chair massages to deal with
tight neck and shoulder muscles, they not only feel better afterwards but
are also more productive, which provides a great selling point to the boss.
If you don’t have a professional massage therapist handy, Andrea
Vogt-Palmer suggests to try self-massage. When experiencing sinus
pressure, get relief by placing your fingertips at the bridge of your nose.
Slowly slide your fingers down your nose and across the top of your
cheekbones to the outside of your eyes. For shoulder tension relief, reach
one arm across the front of your body to your opposite shoulder. Using a
circular motion, press firmly on the muscle above your shoulder blade.
Repeat on the other side.
All in all, if you’ve never tried massage therapy, you should explore it.
There is a good possibility that you’ll get hooked. is committed to showing how you can transform to a healthy
lifestyle by creating healthy eating habits, increasing physical activity,
de-stressing your life and generally having a more positive mindset.
For further information, please e-mail Andrea Vogt-Palmer at
Preventing Heart
Disease--Alarming Trend: More Women under 45
Dying of Heart Disease
Louisville, KY November 25, 2007--An alarming trend is emerging
in the fight against heart disease. More women under 45 are dying of heart
disease due to clogged arteries, despite the fact that the overall death
rate from heart disease has decreased.
A study just released by researchers at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention and Britain’s University of Liverpool shows the worrisome
trend for women of that age group even though the overall trend is showing a
decrease in deaths related to heart disease. Experts think that increasing
rates of obesity in younger adults, among other factors, are to blame.
Andrea Vogt-Palmer of says that many risk factors leading
to heart disease, like obesity, are a reflection of our unhealthy lifestyle,
along with a combination of bad diet and lack of exercise. “If that is true,
then it is also true that you can decrease the risk of heart disease, or
even early death, by improving your eating habits and increasing your daily
physical activity,” Vogt-Palmer says.
According to the American Heart Association and the Center for Disease
Control and Prevention, the number one killer for men and women is heart
disease, which accounts for about 700,000 deaths each year, which is about
29% of all US deaths.
The CDC recommends that maintaining a healthy weight by eating an overall
healthy diet in combination with regular physical activity (at least 30
minutes on most days of the week) can help lower your blood pressure and
cholesterol levels and prevent obesity, diabetes, heart disease and stroke.
Vogt-Palmer points out that the American College of Sports Medicine and the
American Heart Association released new guidelines encouraging Americans of
any age to strength-train at least twice a week on top of a regular cardio
workout to build a healthier body. It is recommended that adults perform
eight to twelve repetitions of eight to ten exercises using appropriate
weight for their individual fitness level. By exercising all major muscle
groups (arms, shoulders, chest, back, upper legs and lower legs) regularly,
we also prevent losing muscle mass and gaining fat as we age. is committed to showing how you can transform to a healthy
lifestyle by creating healthy eating habits, increasing physical activity,
de-stressing your life and generally having a more positive mindset.
For further information, please e-mail Andrea Vogt-Palmer at
Parents and Health
Experts Trying to Find Ways to Reverse Trend in Childhood Obesity
Louisville, KY October 30, 2007--Parents and health experts alike
are looking for new angles to sell a simple and old formula to kids: In
order to maintain a healthy weight, eat right and be active!
American parents and health experts have come to the realization that the
increase in the number of obese children has become a public health issue.
There are efforts on the way all over the country to draw attention to the
problem and to find creative ways to reverse the trend. According to Andrea
Vogt-Palmer of, childhood obesity is not only a physical
health issue but has also a psychological component to it.
“Studies have shown that obese children are more often subject to teasing,
bullying and other types of abuse and are two to three times more likely to
report suicidal thoughts,” Vogt-Palmer said.
Parents and experts are hearing the call to action and are searching for
ways on how to help kids to create healthy habits early by getting everybody
involved, by making it a “family affair,” by improving school lunches, and
by increasing physical activity during and after school. The “Fit and
Healthy Kids” section of “” provides various ideas on that
subject. is committed to showing how you can transform to a healthy
lifestyle by creating healthy eating habits, increasing physical activity,
de-stressing your life and generally having a more positive mindset.
For further information, please e-mail Andrea Vogt-Palmer at